Gay Car of the Year 2012 at the Citroen DS4

French gay community Ledorga, announced this year's Gay Car of the Year which is the Citroen DS4. Last year winner was the Peugeot RCZ winner this year is again a French car. In second place was the Range Rover Evoque and the third in the Mini Coupe.
Below is a detailed list of the first 10 cars, although exceptions where some of them, most are classified as "female" cars.
Citroen DS4 - 396
Range Rover Evoque - 365
Mini Coupe - 347
Citroen DS5 - 295
Volkswagen Beetle - 222
Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Roadster - 169
Audi Q3 - 146
Lamborghini Aventador - 134
Volkswagen Golf Cabriolet - 129
BMW 1-Series - 127